Trasor helps prevent costly structural damage with our custom Frost Heave Prevention Systems for freezer floors and cryogenic tank slabs.
Without a frost heave prevention system under a freezer floor or cryogenic tank slab, frost can form and accumulate in the earth, right under the slab foundation. If ice forms and expands under the slab, it will cause the slab to buckle, often heaving upward. This causes damage to the steel tank and/or the freezer floor above the foundation, which often causes catastrophic structural damage.
Every application is unique, and the Trasor team will design a custom solution that will optimally protect your facility from frost heave. A typical Trasor frost heave prevention system will require installing 6” thick thermal insulation under the slab, as well as rigid steel conduits below the insulation. Mineral-insulated heating cables are then installed into the conduits at designated spacing, typically 30”-48” between conduits. RTD sensors are also installed into a conduit, between the MI Heaters. The heaters will then keep the earth under the slab above 40°F, which prevents it from freezing and prevents the slab from heaving. The power requirement for most of these applications is typically less than 2 watts per square-foot.
An added benefit of conduit installation is the ease of replacement down the road. Conduits allow for heater replacement without tearing up the slab.
If you have a freezer or cryogenic tank that is experiencing foundation and slab failure, due to a faulty heating system or if the structure was built without a heating system, Trasor engineers may be able to provide a solution by designing a system that can be installed under the existing structure.
These systems consist of:
- Mineral-insulated heaters
- Steel conduits (installed by others)
- RTD sensors
- Controllers and/or control panels